we finally meet

My name is Sherry Kirton.

I’ve served in youth ministry (middle school – college/career) since 1985, and am a graduate of Grand Canyon University.

Home educator of four. Author. Artist. Bible study teacher for adults, teens, and kids. Speedy special effects makeup artist. Workshop speaker. Worship leader/visual arts creator. I wear hats, many.

I’ve created a Scavenger hunt game: Hunt the Agent which is scalable for every group size where spy missions come from videos accessed using cellphones/tablets/iPods. Our agent badges were photoshopped, our teams memorized a Bible verse, our leaders had dossiers, and so much more. It was an impossible mission.

I run; captain of team Transform. We raise funds and awareness for community service organizations racing together.

Hunt the Agent and Transform inspire getting to know God through His word and going the distance.

Sherry Kirton (red drapery) hopes to help you reach others with the Gospel of Jesus, the Author & Perfecter of our faith.


started ministry


skit scripts


human videos

My Secret Identity Badge

For the Hunt the Agent scavenger game.

How this started

Never stop wondering

I grew up in a church, but my family did not go; the Gables gave me a family to sit with and have lunch. Thanks to Kathy, I can sing the Books of the Bible to get to a specific book quickly.

In 1985 I was asked to lead our youth group while awaiting our newly hired Youth Director. I was only turning 16. After he arrived he asked me to stay on because he wanted to train me. I loved this time serving in my home church, and only left when I was hired as a summer youth intern by an Associate Pastor who wanted me prepped to replace him in the Fall of 1990.

After my second summer on staff at Calvin Crest Conferences I moved to the San Francisco East Bay Area and began serving in a large church as one of twelve volunteers for the junior high youth department. I then attended Patten College, Pastoral Studies, Youth Ministry emphasis, sang with the Patten Singers, and married an amazing man, moved to his church and served the youth there.

We moved to Sacramento where I taught Sunday School to the youth, took over the website for our church, became the youth minister, taught adult Bible studies, helped lead worship, and even preached having finished my Theology degree at Grand Canyon University.

A new Opportunity

Then the lockdowns provided a new opportunity: my son, then 24, and I created a way for everyone to truly worship together. During prayer the Zoom participants are shown on the main screen in the Sanctuary which isn’t that big of a deal. What is? Both the Sanctuary and those on Zoom can see and hear each other in real time and the pastor takes prayer requests and everyone hears personal updates and pray together on the spot. In fact, one of the members at home is a regular Scripture Reader (Worship Assistant), while the main screen shows the Scripture he reads aloud. The head Deacon stands up in the crowd to lead the Prayer of Confession and and together everyone says the Assurance of Forgiveness. It’s truly live.

All this time as I was raising a family, educating them at home, studying the Bible, and teaching at church I was wondering…

  • In what ways did God want me to portray Him to others?
  • How would I share what He gave me?

    …but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…

    1 Peter 3:15 ESV

    I would love to help your ministry teams use their talents to serve the kingdom of God.